Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti

Place of Ankiyā Bhāonā in the medieval Indian Theatre

What I propose to submit in this lecture is an analysis from my point of view about medieval Indian theatre, supported by evidence in the realm of different Indian traditions. I will certainly revise my views in the light of new elements, which come to my sight. I will have to analyse different traditions minutely …

Place of Ankiyā Bhāonā in the medieval Indian Theatre Read More »

Religious outlook of Srimanta Sankaradeva

Srimanta Sankaradeva founded a new religious order named Eka Sarana Nāma Dharma. The main guiding principle of this order is Eka Sarana or refuse in a single entity. The saint asked his followers to worship only a single entity, the supreme absolute being, who is termed as Ishwara in the religious terminology. What was propounded …

Religious outlook of Srimanta Sankaradeva Read More »

Srimanta Sankaradeva and tribal culture

Saint Srimanta Sankaradeva, who lived from 1449 to 1568 AD founded the Vaishnavite order Eka Sarana Nāma Dharma. He preached devotion to the supreme entity, lord Krishna. All devotees of that supreme entity are considered as equal entities in his order. It was a classless and casteless social order that the saint preached. All devotees received …

Srimanta Sankaradeva and tribal culture Read More »

Unique features of Srimanta Sankaradeva’s religious philosophy ‘Vivartanavâda’ : comparison with other Sanâtana Hindu philosophies

Srimanta Sankaradeva founded a distinct and new philosophy, which had some unique characteristics. He founded a new Vaishnavite order within the Sanatana Dharma or Hinduism. The present author has named this philosophy as Vivartanavâda as it facilitates the elevation of the Jiva from the primary dual state to the non-dual state of identity with Brahma. …

Unique features of Srimanta Sankaradeva’s religious philosophy ‘Vivartanavâda’ : comparison with other Sanâtana Hindu philosophies Read More »

Originality of Srimanta Sankaradeva’s contributions

Srimanta Sankaradeva, the father of Assamese nation, was an extra-ordinary person, who excelled in almost all areas of knowledge. His contributions not only made the foundations of Assamese literature, culture and social structure, but also established the super-structures thereupon. It goes without saying that all contributions of Srimanta Sankaradeva bear his marks distinctively. His influence was …

Originality of Srimanta Sankaradeva’s contributions Read More »

Evolution of Sankari art form

Art is a way of expressing one’s ideas in aesthetically appealing forms. These include sculptures, paintings, masks, carvings, murals, illustrations etc. It was therefore quite natural that Srimanta Sankaradeva, the father of Assamese literature and culture used this medium to a large extent for his proselytizing activities. The Kirtanghar established by him came to be embellished …

Evolution of Sankari art form Read More »

Spiritual path of Eka Sharana Nâma Dharma

Srimanta Sankaradeva was one of the foremost religious philosophers in the world. His religion Eka Sharana Nâma Dharma laid the foundation for a new religious philosophy. The present author has named this philosophy as Vivartanavâda as it facilitates the elevation of the Jîva from the primary dual state to the non-dual state of identity with …

Spiritual path of Eka Sharana Nâma Dharma Read More »

Costumes and Ornaments of Ankiyā Bhāonā

The performance of the Ankiyā plays authored by Srimanta Sankaradeva and Madhavadeva is known as Bhāonā. Many plays have been written since then by different Assamese playwrights in the style of the Ankiyā plays composed by these two doyens of Assamese literature and culture. But these later compositions are not called Ankiyā play. So Ankiyā …

Costumes and Ornaments of Ankiyā Bhāonā Read More »

Srimanta Sankaradeva : the pioneer of Symbolism

Symbolism is a style of representing any particular idea by using symbols. These symbols are endowed with additional meanings apart from their literal meaning. Symbols enable reader or audience to grasp something beyond what is traditionally conveyed by the symbols. The symbol communicates something beyond itself. A symbol is a visible object with which the …

Srimanta Sankaradeva : the pioneer of Symbolism Read More »

Life of Srimanta Sankaradeva : chronology of events

Researched and Prepared by Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti 1320—Chandibar, forefather of Srimanta Sankaradeva migrated from Kannauj 1419-20—Kusumbar Bhuyan, father of Sankaradeva married Satyasandhya 1449—Sankara was born at Alipukhuri 1450—Sankara’s grandfather Suryabar died 1451— Sankara’s brother Banganya was born 1454— Sankara given Uttari 1457—Kusumbar Bhuyan died 1461— Sankara’s education started under Mahendra Kandali 1465— Sankara completed …

Life of Srimanta Sankaradeva : chronology of events Read More »